Global Problems, Local Solutions (Part 3: Finland)

Why the US keep failing homelessness and what is so special about Finland?

Odd Request.

I was sitting by the famous fountain on the UN plaza enjoying a warm day of the San Franciscan spring and great Internet reception when a person whom I would call Mark approached me with a very unusual request.  Shaven, clean and stylishly dressed gentleman in his 40’s Mark looked anything but homeless, but many years of experience with street personalities taught me that they are no less diverse than a society which created them and can be dressed in any way or style.


Joining Forces Against Policing and Jails

Last Saturday, over 150 members of different campaigns, projects, and coalitions fighting against the violence of policing and imprisonment attended a half day summit at City College of SF Mission Campus titled Joining Forces Against Policing and Jails in San Francisco. The powerful gathering was organized by the No New SF Jail Coalition, and sought to strengthen connections between organizations to better address the interlocking impacts of imprisonment, policing, surveillance, courts, and prosecution in San Francisco.


Cankles – Personal Story

 My leg has been giving me problems my whole life. It is my right leg. If you were facing me, it would be the left one you see, if we were facing each other. I have had stitches, and I have had a 3rd degree burn, (proudly not going to the doctors, healing it with homemade concoctions) and I have severely stabbed myself. All superficial. The ankle break. That’s one of the reasons why I can’t walk now.


Sitting on the Corner

Sitting on the corner

As people pass me,

They ignorantly toss me a coin ,

Out of  Garage comes a baby and his entourage,

AKA his parents,

3 teenage girls walk out of Priceline,

Giggling up a storm,

This all happens while I’m sitting on the corner,

An older woman walks by and in hope of a coin or two ,


DEAR CRABBY: The advice column you didn’t ask for but know you need.

“Since I’ve been in office, one of the things that has been hardest for me to deal with is what is going on in the Castro,” Sheehy said, referencing the issues of homelessness in the area. “Our response is always to call the police or the DPW (Department of Public Works) to find them a place to stay. We cannot solve the problem until we find places.”

— Supervisor Jeff Sheehy,


Techie Spends Night Outside, Solves Homelessness

Chad Mitchell, a young tech transplant from Boise, Iowa was cruelly forced to spend Saturday night wandering the streets of San Francisco with no way home, and suddenly understood what it is likely to experience chronic homelessness in the city.


Chad had one too many Manhattans at the cocktail bar on Valencia Street and stumbled out at closing, ready to head home to his condo and his girlfriend Rebecca. As he bent at the waist to hurl he noticed a sticker on the pavement that read “Queers Hate Techies”and,


The New SROs

SROs, or single room occupancy hotels, have long formed the backbone of San Francisco housing. SROs traditionally serve low-income individuals and are often owned privately, but operated by nonprofits or leased by the city. According to the Department of Building Inspection, there are 404 privately owned SROs in San Francisco with around 13,190 residential rooms available for rental.  


As the housing crisis in San Francisco shows no signs of abating,


Driver Plaza

This neighbourhood comes together to


Serve the community,

Long-time community,

Form bonds

Among themselves,

Feed the people,

North Oakland people


Free home-made

And donated food

On bowls & plates,

Free rides

To the hospital,

Free legal advice

Teaching the poor

About rights they

Never knew they had,