No on E: Endangering Accountability and Privacy

by Nathan Sheard

San Francisco voters have a lot to consider before the March 5 election. Voting No on Proposition E should be an easy choice for anyone who is concerned with addressing our city’s challenges, rather than benefiting from them. If passed, Prop. E would significantly weaken measures meant to protect the rights and safety of San Francisco residents and visitors. If Prop. E passes, it would strip accountability for the use of dubious surveillance tools,


In the World of Homelessness, Many Are Punished for the Acts of the Few

by Jordan Davis

This year, I made a New Year’s resolution: No longer will I go on X, the social network formerly known as Twitter. Many of my peers have done so as well, since the rebranding has been accompanied by so much toxicity. X is starting to resemble an infamous website where trolls stalk transgender and autistic people.

If you have never been homeless without friends or family to house you,


Homeless in Gaza

by tiny, daughter of Dee, mama of Tiburcio @povertyskola

The connections between our targeted, unhoused relatives in Gaza and our unhoused bodies on occupied Turtle Island

“WTF??? Three cops came up to me in succession, first cajoling, then demanding, then threatening arrest if I didn’t leave. This wasn’t just a sweep, this was terror.” Jonny X, longtime RoofLessRadio at POOR Magazine reporter from Occupied Yelamu, SF reported from under his tarp at 8th and Mission. 


Disabled Poor People Should Be Tolerated and Accepted

by Jack Bragen

There is a lot of public intolerance of disabled people, especially toward those with mental health conditions. I live in a building that houses poor seniors and poor disabled people, and for many of us, our disability is neurodivergence. There is a lot of foot traffic near the building because of nearby businesses. I will often go outside to light a smoke, usually in my car, and I have seen people change direction to avoid being close to the building,


Poverty in the City by the Bay

Defund Police. Invest in Community. House. Feed. Empathy. Listen. Teach.

by Serena Andrew

San Francisco, the City by the Bay, with its iconic landmarks and vibrant culture, has long been hailed as a symbol of prosperity and innovation. However, behind the shining facade lies a harsh reality that many fail to see: poverty. I share with you my personal story, a journey from the shadows of destitution to the rays of hope that can permeate the streets of San Francisco.

My tale begins with a humble upbringing in one of the city’s low-income neighborhoods.


Op-ed: PSH Eviction Data Doesn’t Tell the Whole Story

Woman raising fist, wearing a green kerchief and shirt reading "None of us is free until all of us are free"

by Jordan Davis

Every September, the Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing releases data on evictions for the preceding fiscal year, as required by a City ordinance. Since 2020, I have read these yearly reports, and the more I learn about these reports, the more skeptical I am of whether they paint a true picture of evictions from permanent supportive housing (PSH).

At September’s Homelessness Oversight Commission meeting,


Political Backlash Delays Opening of Overdose Prevention Center in San Francisco Once Again

Woman sitting with caption in background: "Hello there. We're Still Here"

by Seth Katz

At the heart of San Francisco’s ongoing struggle with drug-related issues lies a promising yet elusive solution: the establishment of overdose prevention (ODP) centers. While public health experts and advocates champion these centers as vital tools for mitigating the harms of substance use, attempts at opening them have been marred by political backlash and indecision. The result is a troubling gap between ODPs’ potential benefits and the concrete actions taken to bring them to fruition.


My Body Knows How to Survive

by Jack Bragen

The human organism is designed to survive as long as it can, to procreate when possible, and to contribute to the success, the survival, and the prestige of the group.

Human consciousness could be a product of the human body. It serves us by allowing us to think, to reason, to ponder and to be better. Consciousness, while normally it thinks itself in charge, takes a back seat to other creations of the body in some crisis situations.


Embracing Humanity in Our Approach to Studying Homelessness

by Claudine Sipili

As a board member of the UCSF Benioff Homelessness and Housing Initiative (BHHI) Lived Expertise Advisory Board that played a major role in the design and implementation of the California Statewide Study of People Experiencing Homelessness, my participation on the project was deeply influenced by my personal experience of homelessness. Having faced the challenges and uncertainties associated with housing instability firsthand,