VENDOR PROFILE: Vinola Stallings

On Shelters and Working

How long have you been a Street Sheet vendor?

I couldn’t tell you exactly, but I just started around December. It’s been a bit hard because people weren’t quite as excited about poetry, it’s kinda tricky sometimes if you don’t find people who are artistic. Other than that it’s just hit or miss—the probability of people stopping—it’s just a lot of work. 

What has your connection to homelessness in San Francisco been? 


Vendor Profile: Stanley Michael Jackson

How long have you been selling STREET SHEET

Over 20 years—started when I saw my niece selling them. I couldn’t believe it: People would just give me money for this paper! It makes me feel good because I like talking to people, and they’ll actually listen to you. You can tell them what’s happening in the Bay Area, you know what I’m saying. I tell them stories about my life.