It’s Not Your Imagination. Working is Tough.

by Jack Bragen

Many people don’t find it difficult to work a job, and as a result they may lack empathy for those of us who find it highly challenging.  They just can’t relate to the challenge of working with a disabling condition. Therefore, they might believe something is wrong with the person who finds work to be difficult. Or they might believe a person who has a problem with it is lazy or that they intend to mess things up. 


Where Are They Supposed to Go?

Man pulling a wagon near RV site in Oakland, CA

by Yolanda Catzalco

First, let it be clear: Because of the current economic system we live under, the choice of how to live should be ours, not the government’s.

Rents are skyrocketing, as documented by countless local and statewide surveys, such as one that found that over 50% of unhoused seniors in California were receiving an average of $960 a month and lost their housing. Once seniors are unhoused,


With a Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, Our Prospects are Tough

by Jack Bragen

At 18, I was released from the hospital following a horrible psychotic episode for which I had been jailed and put in several psych wards. When finally released, I was back to some semblance of normality.

When I met with outpatient psychiatrists, they advised me that I should get a job doing the same kind of thing I’d done before I’d had the psychotic episode. It was never suggested that I try to go to college or do any kind of job that entailed brains.


“What helped me was finally a room where I could be safe, regular meals and a warm bed”: An account on getting sober

by Agapezz

For me, it used to be that consuming was more important than eating: I needed it to fall asleep and wake up, to function. To keep from going crazy, I hold on to the high, even if it means ignoring any morality I really wanted to hold on to. Consumption lulls my traumas to sleep and covers them so they don’t wake up. I would like to deal with my negative experiences,


Homelessness in SF

by Medusa/Bianca

Growing up in a small town in the Midwest, I had always been captivated by the city of San FranciscoI dreamed of one day living in a bustling metropolis. After graduating from college, I finally had my chance:. I landed a job in San Francisco and moved to the city, full of excitement and hope. My first few months in San Francisco were everything I had hoped for. I explored the city’s vibrant neighborhoods,


Open Letter to Sups. Dorsey, Engardio and Mandelman

A statement from the Coalition on Homelessness

We know you and many of your constituents are frustrated with the presence of unhoused people in your districts. So are we.  

We are suing the city on constitutional grounds for the persistent, horrific practice of violating the law by destroying unhoused people’s property and threatening, citing, fining, and arresting them just for the supposed crime of being too poor to afford a home in the face of skyrocketing rents across the city.


Bogus PSH Safety Inspections, or How My Blue Hair Dye Became a Fire Hazard

Woman sitting with caption in background: "Hello there. We're Still Here"

by Jordan Davis

In late October, I dyed my hair blue as part of a Halloween costume: I was going as death metal singer (and vegan animal rights activist, friend of trans community, and all around girlboss) Alyssa White-Gluz of Arch Enemy. I decided that since I like the color blue, and I have connections to the ocean, I would keep my blue hair permanently. I use Arctic Fox hair dye,


Political Backlash Delays Opening of Overdose Prevention Center in San Francisco Once Again

Woman sitting with caption in background: "Hello there. We're Still Here"

by Seth Katz

At the heart of San Francisco’s ongoing struggle with drug-related issues lies a promising yet elusive solution: the establishment of overdose prevention (ODP) centers. While public health experts and advocates champion these centers as vital tools for mitigating the harms of substance use, attempts at opening them have been marred by political backlash and indecision. The result is a troubling gap between ODPs’ potential benefits and the concrete actions taken to bring them to fruition.


Avoiding Violence

Woman sitting with caption in background: "Hello there. We're Still Here"

by Jack Bragen

At some point in our lives, we are likely to live through physical danger. In some instances, the danger comes from a potential attacker. The typical attacker does this either because they gain some form of sustenance from it, e.g., a mugger who makes a living at it, or someone does this simply because they can. This piece discusses scary situations where there is a threat or a perceived threat of physical attack. 


United Against Adversity: Bridging Immigrant Struggles and Homelessness

Woman sitting with caption in background: "Hello there. We're Still Here"

by Johanna Elattar

In the vast tapestry of American society, two critical issues intersect, shedding light on the complex challenges faced by immigrants who find themselves grappling with homelessness. The juxtaposition of these two societal concerns has prompted both concern and compassion as communities, advocates, and policymakers seek to address the unique struggles faced by these individuals and families. 

Many immigrants’ journey to the United States is fueled by hopes for a better life,