In Memoriam Jimmy Flowers

by Tara Rosen

James Henry Beckett b. Oct. 31, 1955 d. Sept. 10, 2022

Jimmy Flowers – born James Henry Beckett – was born Halloween Eve. When he was 4 years old, his mother committed suicide by hanging herself in their Noe Valley flat, which led him to romanticize suicide, though he eventually grew out of it.

He was my boyfriend for ten years and my best friend for the last five years of his life.


Op-ed: Supportive Housing Should Have Its Own Board

by Jordan Davis

As many of our readers know, this year, the Homelessness Oversight Commission (HOC) was launched last spring to oversee the Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing (HSH).Three advisory committees— the Local Homeless Coordinating Board, the Shelter Monitoring Committee, and the Shelter Grievance Advisory Committee—were placed under the commission that would appoint members who would report directly to the commission rather than the mayor or board of supervisors. 


The Hidden World in the Heart of San Francisco

by Anita Carlos

In the heart of San Francisco, where the glittering skyline meets the harsh reality of urban poverty, I find myself caught in a relentless struggle for survival. The city’s iconic landmarks mask the silent struggles of those living in its shadows. My journey through the underbelly of San Francisco began with the realization that beneath the surface of prosperity, a poignant narrative of poverty unfolded.

The city’s streets,


Homeless in Gaza

by tiny, daughter of Dee, mama of Tiburcio @povertyskola

The connections between our targeted, unhoused relatives in Gaza and our unhoused bodies on occupied Turtle Island

“WTF??? Three cops came up to me in succession, first cajoling, then demanding, then threatening arrest if I didn’t leave. This wasn’t just a sweep, this was terror.” Jonny X, longtime RoofLessRadio at POOR Magazine reporter from Occupied Yelamu, SF reported from under his tarp at 8th and Mission. 


Why San Franciscans Weren’t Invited to APEC’s Party

Save the Date Shut Down APEC Nov. 12 noon Harry Bridges Plaza

by Javier Bremond

Living in San Francisco, it’s fairly obvious that the ruling class has an unfair influence on our daily lives. But for an entire week last month, the City sent a message to its constituents: “We’re throwing a big party, and you’re not invited.” Apparently, the closest comparison in terms of scale and importance is the establishment of the United Nations, which took place here in 1945.


Oakland Attempts to Curb the Homeless Health Crisis with Street Medicine

by Chris Lee

Homeless deaths have surged in recent years. In Oakland, Chronic illness and addictions make up most of homeless deaths by 47% and 31% respectively

John Janosko has been on and off methamphetamine for the last several years while homeless in West Oakland. However, it may not be the addiction that kills the 55-year-old. His heart might give up first.

Janosko is one of thousands of homeless residents with comorbidities that put him at risk of an early death.


Clarence Galtney: The OG of Harrison Street

Clarence Galtney, 65, takes a break from organizing his belongings on Harrison Street, November 8, 2023.

by Bradley Penner

As mounting pressure from the City of Berkeley brings Eighth and Harrison to its breaking point, one resident sheds light through the cracks

Clarence “OG” Galtney, 65, spent the morning of November 6 bagging possessions and clearing the perimeter of his tent on Harrison Street, a process he says he’s gone through over twenty times in Berkeley over the past ten years. 

The sweep Galtney was preparing for had been a long time coming.


Youth and Adult Collaboration in Working to Make Youth Homelessness Brief, One-time and Non-recurring in Alameda County

Sahra Nawabi (Youth Lead, Alameda County’s Youth Advisory Board) & Hannah Moore (Youth
Services Program Manager, Alameda County Office of Homelessness Coordination


Sahra (pronounced SAH- RO) Nawabi is Alameda County’s Youth Advisory Board (YAB) youth lead. The YAB is a body of youth who have experienced or are currently experiencing homelessness. The group advises on policy, programs and funding in Alameda County’s homeless response system. 


Artwork from the Alameda County Youth Advisory Board

In honor of National Runaway and Homeless Youth Awareness and Prevention Month

Housing is a Human Right by Jace

Long Way Home by Tammy Nguyen

How Are We To Live (Haiku) by Isaac Lira

Flip It! by Anonymous

Blessings Come Down by Adonnia Gray

Covenant House by Ray Corona