The Unseen Toll of Homeless Encampment Sweeps

by Hollie Garrett

I watched the correctional officers from the sliver of the cell door window as they strapped on their rubber gloves and set up their metal detectors in preparation of the mass search. I had known this would be coming for days, but that did not simmer the anxiety and stress I felt in my chest and stomach as I watched them prepare to shatter any sense of privacy I may have developed during my stay in this prison. 


Why Don’t People Experiencing Street Homelessness Accept Shelter?

by Stop the Sweeps

We know one main thing: shelter is not being offered to most people being swept from street encampments in the US. There are hardly ever enough shelter spaces available.

According to a decision upheld by the Supreme Court in the case Martin v. Boise — a decision currently at risk of being struck down in the case Grants Pass v. Johnson — cities cannot legally sweep people if they are not able to offer every individual shelter.


Resolution on Seizure of Homeless People’s Property in the Works 

The board that monitors the Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing (HSH) will draft a statement demanding that the City of San Francisco stop illegally seizing unhoused people’s property and dwellings.

On September 5, the Homelessness Oversight Commission agreed to come up with such a resolution by their next meeting in October to present to officials at multiple City agencies. These departments include those that comprise the Healthy Streets Operation Center (HSOC) including the Homelessness,


Sweeping Us to Nowhere

A RooflessRadio WeSearch project by Tiny with Leajay Harper, Momii Palapaz, Frankie Carter, Alex DeLeon, Jay Paulino

RoofLessRadioSOMA reporter Sr Asuncion with his bus ticket to Nowhere

“Do you know where the bus station is,” RoofLessRadioSOMA reporter Sr. Ascunsion, laughed nervously, throwing back his wavy black /silver hair as he uncrumpled a small piece of paper he held in his hand ”And do you know where this town is?” 


Is the City of San Francisco About to Wage a ‘War” on the Homeless?

by Malik Washington, Destination Freedom Media Group

A couple weeks ago, Mayor London Breed (San Francisco CA) appeared in a debate alongside a number of other potential mayoral candidates vying for public support.  Mayor Breed made comments related to the removal of homeless people from city streets.  I perceived her carefully chosen words as a clear warning aimed at the homeless population of San Francisco.

The month of August 2024 will usher in the beginning of a San Francisco Police Department (SFPD) operation which seeks to remove homeless people from areas deemed as public property and relocate them elsewhere. 


Keeping Score: My Review of the Coordinated Entry Test 

by CJ Ross

“Where am I taking you? Where are you gonna stay tonight?” It was 2016. I Googled “shelters in San Francisco” on my friend’s phone from the passenger seat with about two hours left until we reached the city. 

I never thought I’d return to the city where I was born and raised. As I searched, I expected to find lists of places to sleep in a pinch,


Op-ed: Let’s House PSH Tenants

by Jordan Davis

About a year ago, District 5 Supervisor Dean Preston, who represents the majority of permanent supportive housing tenants in San Francisco—including myself—introduced and passed a resolution calling on the Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing (HSH) to fill vacant PSH units. Given that the Supreme Court’s recent decision in the Grants Pass case makes it easier to sweep unhoused individuals, and that Mayor London Breed is now trying to bus homeless people out of town,


“Aggressive” Sweeps Loom in SF After Grants Pass

A tent is in the center of the frame. In front of it is what looks like a white dollhouse, laying flat on the ground. The image is in Black and White

On a rainy day in 2021, I witnessed San Francisco workers throw away a woman’s leukemia medication during an encampment sweep. They also forced her to move without offering her a shelter bed, in violation of City policies and an ordinance requiring the City to offer shelter before it can clear encampments.

When the Coalition on Homelessness filed a lawsuit against the City in 2022 over this practice, we provided documentation that San Francisco had cited and arrested more than 3,000 unhoused people without first offering shelter and illegally trashed their belongings,


Post-Grants Pass, Sweeps Lawsuit Against San Francisco to Continue. Here’s Why.

A tent is in the center of the frame. In front of it is what looks like a white dollhouse, laying flat on the ground. The image is in Black and White

Arresting and ticketing people for sleeping outdoors, even when no shelter is available, is not unconstitutional, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on June 28.

In doing so, the court’s conservative majority overturned previous decisions maintaining that Martin v. Boise, a case that removed such criminal penalties for acts of homelessness in the absence of shelter and protected unhoused people’s constitutional rights against cruel and unusual punishment. 

So does that mean the arguments made by the Coalition on Homelessness and seven unhoused plaintiffs in their lawsuit against the City and County of San Francisco are gone,


Safe Ground’s Camp Ends Lease Over Lack of Support Amid Record Heat Wave

Story and photos by Isidore Mika Székely Manes-Dragan

Residents of Camp Resolution stand behind Anthony Prince in front of the gate (photo by Isidore Mika Székely Manes-Dragan)

Three weeks after the City of Sacramento stopped water delivery to Camp Resolution, and one week after camp residents announced that they would resist an unwanted inspection, camp members are now being forced to terminate their lease.

The residents at the self-governing homeless encampment,