Formed in October of 2017, the No Walls Collective aims to uplift the artwork and stories of incarcerated and formerly incarcerated people. We run an online Etsy shop to connect buyers with pieces donated by incarcerated artists to support the livelihood and self-determination of people directly impacted by prisons and jails. All the proceeds directly benefit the contributing artists and ongoing efforts to abolition prisons. Each collective member is connected with loved ones who are currently in prison, and we work together to ensure that their art is seen and appreciated and that their needs are prioritized.
Richard Zepeda is one of the incarcerated artists producing work to sell through the No Walls Collective. Ricky grew up homeless in Los Angeles before spending over a decade in solitary confinement at Pelican Bay State Prison. While at Pelican Bay, he was part of the organizing the 2013 Hunger Strike, starving himself even after being hospitalized because he was so committed to fighting for his rights in prison. Ricky was released directly into downtown Los Angeles in 2015 and was quickly arrested again and is now doing time in Nevada, where he is diligently working on art projects and brainstorming ways to support homeless communities once he is released. His artwork speaks to his heritage and the traumas of incarceration and reflects the vast amount of time he dedicates to his craft.
To support artists like Ricky and the project of the No Walls Collective please visit the Etsy shop at or find us on Facebook!