In Memoriam Jimmy Flowers

by Tara Rosen

James Henry Beckett b. Oct. 31, 1955 d. Sept. 10, 2022

Jimmy Flowers – born James Henry Beckett – was born Halloween Eve. When he was 4 years old, his mother committed suicide by hanging herself in their Noe Valley flat, which led him to romanticize suicide, though he eventually grew out of it.

He was my boyfriend for ten years and my best friend for the last five years of his life.


Op-ed: Supportive Housing Should Have Its Own Board

by Jordan Davis

As many of our readers know, this year, the Homelessness Oversight Commission (HOC) was launched last spring to oversee the Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing (HSH).Three advisory committees— the Local Homeless Coordinating Board, the Shelter Monitoring Committee, and the Shelter Grievance Advisory Committee—were placed under the commission that would appoint members who would report directly to the commission rather than the mayor or board of supervisors. 


The Hidden World in the Heart of San Francisco

by Anita Carlos

In the heart of San Francisco, where the glittering skyline meets the harsh reality of urban poverty, I find myself caught in a relentless struggle for survival. The city’s iconic landmarks mask the silent struggles of those living in its shadows. My journey through the underbelly of San Francisco began with the realization that beneath the surface of prosperity, a poignant narrative of poverty unfolded.

The city’s streets,


Homeless in Gaza

by tiny, daughter of Dee, mama of Tiburcio @povertyskola

The connections between our targeted, unhoused relatives in Gaza and our unhoused bodies on occupied Turtle Island

“WTF??? Three cops came up to me in succession, first cajoling, then demanding, then threatening arrest if I didn’t leave. This wasn’t just a sweep, this was terror.” Jonny X, longtime RoofLessRadio at POOR Magazine reporter from Occupied Yelamu, SF reported from under his tarp at 8th and Mission.